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时间:2014-12-13 点击: 0

   美国的cindy有盆腔刺痛、小便灼热刺痛,月经量大等症状,在初次接触妇炎丸,就一下子购买了三个疗程。在邮件往来中,cindy反馈第一个月就感觉有效果了,几乎所有症状消失了。(原文如下:in the first month of the treatment I started feeling way better almost all my symptoms were gone and as I finished the whole treatment my life came back to normal.)

  为此她继续服药,三个疗程结束后,她反馈所有的症状都消失,且生活已经恢复正轨。Cindy的症状比较典型,刺痛、灼热以及月经量大一直存在,虽然检查都是正常,但是疼痛无时无刻不在困恼着她,好在中国神奇的中药治愈了她。为此邮件的最后,引用cindy的原话Im so glad I decided to buy fuyan pill.and I really recommend it for women who are suffering symptoms like mine.?(我很高兴我当初买了妇炎丸。我真心建议所有和我以前有一样症状的妇女同胞选购使用妇炎丸。)
  Long time no see. How are you? How is your condition? Do you have all of your symptoms cleared? If not, what kind of symptoms you still have? On the date of 2014.11.11, I have sent you an email, but you didn’t reply me. Would you please tell me what’s happening? Are you ok? Do you have any problems? If possible, please tell me and I hope that I can help you.
  Best regards
  Dr. Lee
  好久不见,你还好吗?请问您的病情有什么改善吗?所有的症状都消失了吗? 如果仍然还有一些症状的话,请问都是一些什么症状呢?2014年11月1号, 我有给您发过一次邮件,但是您并没有回复我。请问您是遇到什么困难了吗? 一切都还好吗? 如果您有任何的困难或者问题,请告诉我,我十分乐意帮助您。
  Sorry I didnt reply last time. But Im doing great all of my symptoms r gone :)
  很抱歉上次没够回复您的邮件。 但是,我现在感觉良好,并且我所有的症状都消失了。
  Heres my testimony sorry for the delay.
  Hi, my name is cindy, 24, I suffered pid with all its symtoms for a whole year without knowing it was pid. I visited like 10 different doctors in a year, having tests done all with the same results, "everything looks good, u r completely healthy, its all in your mind", thing that wasnt true. How could I be healthy , I asked myself, if I was suffering a horrible pain on my pelvis, it was like neils inside me, a burning sensation when a pee and a lots of vaginal discharge I couldnt even work nor have? sex or nothing of physical activity? cuz of all those symtoms, unntil one day I went online looking for people with the same symtoms as me, and u found some testimonies about fuyan pill I didnt wanna buy it at first cuz of the price and I didnt really know if it was gonna work, but I decided to do so I bought the 3 month treatment and in the first month of the treatment I started feeling way better almost all my symptoms were gone and as I finished the whole treatment my life came back to normal. Im so glad I decided to buy fuyan pill.and I really recommend it for women who are suffering symptoms like mine.?




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